Talking to Xiann on msn :) Which makes me feel better cos i'm having a conversation with someone else whom i barely know, and who's doing all the talking and question-asking. Using all the emoticons which annoys (call me fussy), talks again when i don't reply and i'm in no mood whatsoever to talk about what's my first paper on Monday -_____- Haven't talked to Xiann in ages and yet he understands me so well :') i love Xiann!
Came home at 5-ish and after much chocolate cookies, lied on the bed with chit chatted with Ashley. At least i don't feel so bad now, feeling tired, jealous, disappointed, dulan, insecure. And it aches when some of our friends are just wasting their lives and time doing something which is so not worth it. Worse thing is, they don't care. Feeling every feeling that isn't good on Friday nights :/ We're only human right?
Distraction? Covered that topic today, and yes, call me desp but i think i need it. I don't think my new resolution from my bestie is that much of a help hahaha. Xiann gets me though! Something to look forward to at least. Things have gone abit boring-ish lately, don't you think? In tuition today, Dang went, "Quite sad right our teenage life, study, exams, damn sad"
"HAHA, you're talking like some emo kid weih. Emo ah, Dang?"
"Quite ah."
I'm a pretty boring person & i talk too much (i keep telling myself i should listen).
I can list more, but i just don't have the mood.
This is a wordy post, no?