June 27, 2009

Somewhere far along this road;

November '08
Where was this taken, Al? Hahah

I. leaned. against. a. wall. that. was. newly. painted.
Mental reminder: I do have a backbone.

Skipped school today, Lalalala i have a bright future :)
Oh, and i changed the lens of my specs
Heck, my eyesight has gone up by about a hundred and my dad doesn't allow contacts D:

This week seemed to go by real fast. Real fast.
Megan Fox was forgotten, and instead my morning greeting was;
Kane, this won't affect our PJ answers, will it? Hahaha

Oh guess what guess what, Jerri said we can move up to 3 Angsana by next Monday :)
Goodbye mosquitoes, Goodbye heat, Goodbye gazillion chinese fans,
Hello electricity, whee.

*Points to links*
Sammy's got a blog :) Agent double-oh nine's

June 21, 2009


"This is the scent of dead skin on a linoleum floor
This is the scent of quarantine wings in a hospital
It's not so pleasant
And it's not so conventional
It sure as hell ain't normal
But we deal, we deal"

Addicted much :)

June 15, 2009

We were welcomed to school with a very wet pavillion floor and a cooling weather today.
The assembly speeches didnt bother us very much today i guess, since we all stood and talked non non stop. The first hour of school and we managed to irritate Mary Ann; good job people! :)

Then the teachers came into class and everyone one went "oh no :("
Who likes getting greeted with science results in the morning anyway D:

Mary Ann especially got on my nerves today -.-

"Don't show me your ignorance" &
"Class, keep quiet"
"Don't even think i'll give you extra marks"

and and she went on about colours.
to be in the ___.

Note to Adele: you so did not miss anything. Hahah

June 06, 2009

Chandelier Skies

Still remember these?
*i closed my eyes and randomly pointed to the pictures,
hee, kidding

Long holidays with lack of activities results to itchy fingers :)