She's brunette, not blonde.
- I'm glad my sister bought it, took it away from her bedside table before she flipped to page 66. She didn't mind :) I haven't watched A Walk To Remember, but i plan to read the book. Deprived from books, wasn't till i was chatting with Erica when i realised i haven't touched a storybook since two months ago. Not good :\ I find myself too absorbed while reading Dear John, gee i brought it for LUNCH.
- Usual chatter with Krystle today. She reads my face as if i'm an open book.When i'm quiet and not as chatty she'll immediately ask me what's wrong Hahaha
Topic for today: Fish, Friends, Fights
- I liked prayer meeting today, came late and saw everyone bustling around with coloured cards and pens writing notes to cheer people up. Sat there for 5 minutes wondering who to write, when the bell rang i was too late and couldn't find a scissors.
- Total storm cloud during YE, swearing at Yu Kane for being unable to cut tissue paper straight. But all in all school was okay :) Mostly enjoyed the weather and though i was sleepy-eyed when i got home, showered and sat on the bed finishing the story (Y)