27/1/2010. :)
The best excuse to skip school on a Wednesday: YE field trip!
Though i must say the talks were pretty boring :( We just stoned at different tables introducing ourselves to other YE members from other schools. Wasn't that bad lah. "My special skill is.." haha. The fun was during the breaks and lunch. After the talk, we helped to clean up the hall and made Cik Winnie and Puan Emily so.. happy hahahah.
After that, we went mamak. Tell me, how many times do you go mamak with your teachers and discuss about YE and who's the most good looking in the gang? Hahaha. Puan Emily even belanja-ed us LOL. All in all, it was a pretty fun day :D Should've called you, Dele!
It's 2.58 pm, i.. am planning to skip Terry's today cos i dont wanna go to Zian's without a teman looking like a so-called rockstar.