December 04, 2009

Too many empty conversations.

Taken in Pahang; 1st December.

Both my sisters are laughing so loud, watching videos of us long time ago. Maybe i should abandon the computer for abit. Probably laughing about the green shirt my younger sister's been having since year 2000 Hahaha. Watched Pursuit Of Happyness yesterday. Nice :')
Thanks to Tyen, i now know that Diao is a football player's name. Salif Alassane Diao. Hahaha :D My day can be summed up to 3 words: Baking, piano, computer. But then again my everyday can be summed up to 3 words. The usual TVtextingcomputerguitarstoning. I miss.. jakuning with the three lost souls behind class. Why does everyone think i'm siao if i want to watch Love Happens. I like Jennifer Aniston ! My sister's so sweet, she made Nutella on crackers for moi :) Elena, stop ranting.