October 03, 2009

a short one before i fall asleep;

2nd October:
Played lanterns with 5 kids when i was supposed to be studying.
"Che che, i want the green oneeee!"
Haven't played lanterns for so long, was tempted to let one lantern continue burning when it caught fire :D .. but the kids were screaming so the poor lantern got whacked with my slipper, Hah.

OH. Got a camera for my birthday, :) Jyn's camera twin (!)
And and, it's RED. Like Weng says, "Red is sexy."

I've told myself i need to study but i keep dozing off and tell myself,
"5 minutes of rest won't hurt.."
x100 times, tsk.
And i get so discouraged when i do Sejarah exercises and up to now i get miserable scores :(
Haven't even touched KH yet, sigh.

Saya sangat risau akan komsas.