Meant to be sitting with three little kids in front of the tele watching Lilo and Stitch.
Before that, got out cupcakes, icing and three bottles of colouring
"Ah, let's keep them quiet by feeding them sugar"
"I want blueeeee!"
"Pink! I like PINK."
"Che che my favourite colour is black and and purple"
Ended up with lots of remaining icing sugar and Rebecca came up with a brilliant idea,
"Who wants to write their name on their hands? :)"
Didn't manage to sleep in, mom's birthday :)
After tuition, went to the park with mom and sister
Was talking about cycling or white water rafting then we came across a bunch of kids.
"Eh, forget about that, next time we should try roller blading :D"
Anyways, had a good jog.
Later on, we went for Italiannies, havent been there for ages.
Walk in, and you smell the parmesan cheese which made me slightly sick, heh.
Maybe i had no appetite, maybe i have a small stomach,
but the portions were huge.
Had Baskin Robbins three times this month, wah abit too much right? Hahaha
Spoke to my Dream man, according to Yu Kane, at night.. morning LOL.
It's been a good relaxing weekend :)
This week has gone by so.. fast :(
Can't bring myself to start revising..
Just turn off the damn computer and pull out a bloody workbook
Mukabuku! :)