The first Belian outing in 2008 :) Not all of them came, but 7 people sharing 3 Starbucks was just nice Hahaha
First we walked around to look for Li Jee's present and then Ed-lynn, Joshua, Zhuo Ming and I ditched Sarah and Ashley and went to look for Xiann. Met Dang at GSC and he hung around for abit.
Joshua got a lil flustered cos we were 10 mins late for the 007 show. I didnt really enjoy it anyhow, couldnt follow the storyline and fell asleep for a few minutes LOL
How I dozed off right in front of the screen during the shooting scene, i have no idea.
Then we went to drink Starbucks at around 5pm. I dont really drink Starbucks so when i saw the menu with the all the sorts of coffee like Mocha, Frappuccino, I turned to Sarah and asked her to recommend smth :) And what on earth's a Venti size anyway? lol
Got hungry and walked round and round wondering what to eat. Ended up in Nando's, right next to Starbuck's where we started. Ashley left early :( She missed the fun.
Well, the waiter DID say mineral water was free.. Sarah was smart to order ice lemon tea :DD
We only ordered 2 plates thinking it would be enough. HAHA. While we were camwhoring, 4 plates came and either we were focusing on the camera or we were hungry, we took the chips and started stuffing them in our mouthes Tsktsktsk.
Until Joshua said ' Eh, all these ours meh? ' Then 2 other plates came o.o we felt bad eating other people's food hahah
After scraping the plates, we made alot of noise and laughed for no reason ( I think that was me LOL ) We saw Fatin & Syadat pass by and later on we saw Kailiang. I think we must've been really irritating because we called for the bill 3 times and the waiters started to look fed up :/
We walked to the counter anyway, Joshua took a look at the bill and started swearing hahaaa The bill in total was almost 80 bucks EESH.
Turned out that the 6 bottles of mineral water costed 21 bucks. What the hell, we thought.
Joshua kinda argued with the waiter about the so called 'free' mineral water and he just dumbly replied, ' No, i said free refills for the ice lemon tea' -.-
Dont worry, we paid :) The other customers were staring at us, but I dont blame them hahaha
Sarah felt disgusted drinking 3.5o water haha
Moral of the story,
Watch out for blurr waiters.
kidding, maybe it was just us :P
Oh, and dont steal other people's chips :)