"Oh my gosh, school almost over! :) "
"Yes, ten more minutess"
"Then can go Elena's house! Whee"
You guys were so hyped, man :)
Okay, i might have added the 'whee' part.
Dele dumped her bag with Erica :( and we went to makan at Sri Penang.
There was this old uncle at the next table and Ed- Lynn went "Eh, another
angel :D" LOL
No, no, no this uncle was quite the opposite :F
When we sat down, he kept staring at us. And when Adele and i went to Giant to buy some drinks, she said she saw him on the next aisle, not buying anything.
After paying and after Dele
flirted with the random dude who asked for her number,
we went back to the restaurant and in came the uncle. Empty handed.
Okay, that's pretty freaky right. What a stalker, :S
Oh oh, and there was this coccasion dude sitting at the other table. He had a pretty cool shirt :D
I laughed when i saw him stare at Dele when she was explaining and showing us how thick a piece of salami was. I don't know how we got to the salami subject, i just know we were very loud in the restaurant and everyone was looking at us, Hahah :)
Ashley, Wei Shen and Jo passed by and Ash stole some of Dele's rice saying "Psst Ele, he's gonna
tell you something" :O hahahah
After leaving the restaurant pretty noisily :) , Sam suddenly said
"Dele! that guy was.. waving at you just now"
"AH, he saw your sexy legs that's why!" So Ed-Lynn :P
"How can see my legs lah, see my face only can.."
Another random person that got us all paranoid all over again HAHA.
Bummed around the computer after we got to my place,
Slowly copy pasting Makanan Tradisional Melayu etc. for sivik projek
(see how hardworking we are? :D )
Okay maybe not, we got fed up and visited people's blogs after that
and laughed over a few particular ones :P
I guessed it was a particularly "successful" thing yeaah :)
Minus the Let's-use-Elena's-Camera-Later part, ngahah